Admission to Florentinum – British Nursery & Preschool is open to all children of the appropriate age, regardless of their race, nationality, religion or first language. Anyone who feels that they could benefit from the education offered and for whom the school can provide a suitable environment may attend. Interested parents should complete the on-line application form or/and contact the Admissions Office.

Our grade level placement begins with the student’s age as of the first day of school. For example, we would place a student who is 2 years old on the first day of school with Nursery. However, we also consider the previous grade level of the child and other factors. When the child arrives, our teachers carefully observe them during their first month at school. Based on the teachers’ observations, and in consultation with the parents of the child, we determine the pupil’s final grade placement.
To start the registration process, please complete this ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM
Start here


Can I come and see the preschool?

To book places on a school tour please contact You can also visit our Virtual Tour.

How do you prepare my child for school?

We will prepare a child for school through activities, like classes with specialist teachers, outdoor activities lead by our Sports Coordinator, free play like sand and water play, not to mention Music, Art, Design and Technology. We promote reading through storytelling and listening to stories as well as looking at books and discussing pictures. The children are exposed to numbers and mathematical concepts like geometrical shapes and develop the big and small muscles that will help them write. We provide them with a safe and familiar adult from whom they can find comfort, security and knowledge.

What can you tell me about my child's daily routine?

All children are assigned a ‘personal tutor’ who will monitor each child’s learning and development and will keep you informed about your child’s day, including any activities or experiences they may have had during the day. With younger children and babies, any information about their routines, such as nap times, meals and nappy changes will be discussed with you.

Do the children go out for trips?

We do sometimes take the children to nearby places such as museums, the park or similar places they have shown an interest in going to and we find field trips help the children’s ability to learn. Our outings are well-planned ahead of time and we will always advise you of any trips prior to the event. We have a policy that regulates what could and what could not be done during a field trip.

Are you open for holidays?

We are open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. We are closed on public holidays. But we are open during summer holidays.

My child has an allergy how do you ensure they do not become exposed?

When a child is registered with Florentinum Nursery and Preschool, all allergies much be included on the admission form. At that time, notes of all symptoms, required treatment and potential allergens will be identified and included in your child’s notes.

Who can I speak to if I have any questions regarding my child's care and I don't want to talk to the teacher?

You can contact Ms. Klara Grunsberg on, and we will be happy to deal with your enquiry.

When should I submit my application?

As we are open all year long, we have a rolling admissions policy. However, the optimum time to apply is during the month of June for each upcoming school year in order to avoid disappointment as demand for places is high and the capacity of our preschool is not unlimited.

How do I apply?

Please start by visiting our web page and filling in our registration form. You may also send an email to

Do you have a learning support department?

Our Director of Studies constantly liaisons with the teachers collecting information on the child’s learning progress. If a child needs extra help, a meeting with parents will be organised and extra lessons will be offered.

Children with moderate learning and/or emotional/social difficulties may be admitted after the Committee Meeting and only if the Committee decide that the school is able to provide sufficient teaching support to the child. Each case is considered on an individual basis.

Does my child need to speak English to join?

Yes. Although our school teaches in English, we have possibilities to offer extra help with the curriculum to those of our kids who struggle with the language. Czech teacher is available upon request for afternoon lessons, and our regular study programme includes a strong EAL (English as an Additional Language) component, which allows every pupil master the language skills at a natural pace.

We also recommend that any child coming to the school without a good level of English takes part in our Summer School courses to get a head start.

What languages are offered?

We primarily teach in English, so English is our communication language and all members of staff use English not only during the lessons but also for the daily routines. Learning Czech is understandably our second priority. Generally speaking, as members of the international community of Prague, we are able to offer almost any additional language to those who need it, and we are open to our clients’ suggestions.

What are class sizes?

We aim to keep class sizes small to aid personalised learning and use teaching assistants as well as teachers to support children. Our maximum class size is 15 pupils.

What school activities are there?

At Preschool Florentinum we have a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and we pride ourselves in creating opportunities for students to follow their passion. If a child wishes to partake in a particular activity we will do our best to make that happen. Please follow this link to access to the extra-curricular activities page.

Do you have a PTA?

Yes, our PTA is an enthusiastic and active body of parents who help organize school parties and functions. Our Family Centre is also partly run by the PTA members and helps us to keep the school moving forward and spread the word around.

What about snacks and lunch?

All children have a snack at 09 am and lunch at 12 pm. Children who stay later, have a second meal in the afternoon. Lunches may be brought by parents and stored in the fridge in our kitchen or bought. Although they are not included in the school fees, the daily price is quite affordable and the quality of the food is great. Hot meals are delivered to the premises from the Florentinum’s canteen.

Is there a uniform?

Since we start teaching very small children, there is no uniform for children, but we have a mild dress code which recommends wearing comfortable and inexpensive clothes and prohibits wearing jewellery and heels. All children should change their shoes prior to entering the clean zone.

Do they have to sit an entrance test?

Pupils do not sit tests, but usually meet the Director of Studies.

Do you have a summer programme?

Yes, our new summer camp programme will be starting in July with a packed schedule of language learning, sports, drama, field trips and more. Please contact for the calendar and prices.

Should I live the child for the whole day or does your school have flexible hours?

We do have flexible hours. To begin with, you may only bring your child for several hours a week and pay the hourly rate. Then, we have a part-time option (full-day three days a week or half-day every day) and, finally, a full-time option (8 am – 6 pm every working day). We are fine with either option, however, having said that, we always recommend that parents choose a systematic approach to their child’s education since sporadic lessons will inevitably impede the child’s academic progress and social skills.

Does citizenship matter?

No, a citizen of any country may be admitted to our school provided that all the necessary paperwork is available and relevant medical information can be collected.

Didn't the answers help you? Here you can find various ways to contact us: