Academics Overview

The Florentinum Preschool has pupils from “PK2″ (Pre-Kindergarten, 1-year olds) to the Reception Year (generally between 5 and 6 year olds). Admission to the pre-school is based on the potential of the applicant to benefit from the educational services available and the capacity of the School to meet the educational needs of the applicant.

For more detailed information about our study programmes


To ensure that all our pupils have the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be self-reliant, responsible and contributing members of society, we use the most advanced study programmes based on the combination of two curricula: the National Curriculum of England and Wales and the Czech Curriculum Framework.

We work in two cultural contexts, teaching children to know and respect their own culture and simultaneously broadening their minds so that they become capable of continuing their education either in a Czech school or abroad. The instruction at TIELC demonstrates instructional approaches that actively engage all pupils and accommodate their individual learning styles. We are strong believers in Jan Amos Komensky’s words that “learning is natural” and that much may be learnt almost effortlessly in small portions at a child’s natural pace.

  • A curriculum that is well-defined, explicit and aligned with reporting procedures.
  • Curriculum and instruction that encourage motivation for learning and prepares pupils to be life-long learners.
  • A curriculum and instruction that allow differentiation and a wide variety of learning experiences.
  • Assessment procedures that are used to regularly review the curriculum and instruction.
  • Presence of Teaching and Learning Policy and its continuous development.
  • Knowledge of different learning styles and intelligence modalities that is effectively applied