who we are 

A premier institution that educates young learners to be successful in the Czech Republic and internationally.

Florentinum – British Nursery & Preschool offers a comprehensive education programme for children aged from 1 to 6 years old (nursery to reception class) who wish to join an English speaking programme or maintain continuity with their previous Czech education and simultaneously study English. We provide Speech Disorders Preventions and English as an additional language (EAL). We learn how to support children who have an additional language. Including information on speaking with children, modelling clear concise English and working with parents

The school is operated commercially by a Board of Directors and is also monitored by the Board of Trustees who ensure that the Florentinum Nursery & Preschool maintains high standards of education and international recognition. Parents take part in the school's life by organizing extra-curricular activities and volunteering in the school.

The teaching staff have a wide background of international experience and represent such countries as the UK, the US and the Czech Republic. Our nannies are trained by proffesional Nanny agency - Youngberry.

The school’s study programme is based on the best international practice the UK Early Years Foundation Stage (Statutory Framework for EYFS, 2016) combined with the Czech Curriculum Framework. This allows children to cover both international and local components of education and later integrate easily both locally and abroad.

Florentinum British Nursery & Preschool’s student body is drawn not only from European, Great Britain and North American families who live in Prague for business or diplomatic assignments, but also for Czech families who wish to introduce their children to international education.

Florentinum British Nursery & Preschool encourages participation in after-school activities as an extension of the academic programme. We establish a varied and interesting list of choices at the start of each year. Our choices include gymnastics, dance, art and handicrafts, sports, swimming, guitar, computer club, chess club, etc. In addition, during the regular school day, students practise art, music and may choose silent reading or learning a foreign language.

We locate the school in Prague 1, which makes it easily accessible and has 280 square meters of space where classrooms, resource centre and the school canteen are located. The school has a secure playground area for playing sports and games in the fresh air. The school also takes advantage of the excellent facilities offered at the local swimming pool less than a five-minute walk away.

Pupils may bring their own meals or be included in our catering plan and get freshly cooked meals every day. The school is secured by a locked door and surveillance equipment located by the entrance to the premises and local security guard.